Demineralization Plant (DM Plant)

Demineralization or Deionisation is the process of removing mineral salts from water by using the ion exchange process. With most natural water sources it is possible to use Demineralisation and produce water of a higher quality than conventional distillation. We manufacture a Wide range of Dematerializing plants for industrial process water applications. They are available in different sizes and materials, manually operated, semiautomatic or fully automatic.

A Typical two-bed DM Plant consists of two FRP vessels connected in series along with its internal fittings. The first unit consists of high capacity strongly acidic cation exchange resin, which converts positive ions of salt and replaces them with hydrogen ions to form respective acids, which are absorbed in next vessel by strongly basic anion exchange resin. The water obtained by this process shows conductivity less than 30 µS/cm and Total Dissolved Solids less than 10 ppm.Further high purity water can be achieved by Mixed Bed Deionizers, which are designed to produce high purity treated water. They can be used as polishing units after two beds DM Plant to obtain high purity water.

Mix Bed DM Plant comprise of one Mild steel rubber-lined/FRP pressure vessels filled with strong acidic captions exchange resin and strongly basic anion exchange resin in mixed form. They are available in a range of diameters. Mix Bed DM Plant is usually used as polishing unit at outlet of Two Bed DM Plant/RO Plant. The modular construction permits flexibility in the selection of cation and anion units to cater to different types of raw water. Treated water of conductivity less than 1 microsiemence/cm with ph of 6.5 to 7.5 is achieved at Mix Bed DM Plant outlet.